Sustainable development of sport tourism in Banyuwangi

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Panji Pambudi
Nining Kusnanik
Nurhasan Nurhasan


This research has an aim to examine the role of Sport Tourism through the program of Banyuwangi festival (B-Fest) and the impact of local content and deciding sustainable strategy of Sport Tourism Development. This research uses descriptive associative research method with qualitative and quantitative approach. Data Collection method done by observation, direct interview, questionnaire and collect the data from related instance. The result of this analysis shows that: (1) Banyuwangi Festival Program (B-fest) successfully increase the number of visitor in Kawah Ijen and Pulau Merah within total contribution of 75.9%; (2) The effect of sport tourism toward the change of local community in Kawah Ijen, on economic aspect contribute 100%. On social aspect contribute 11.6%. Environmental aspect, edelweiss flower no longer to be seen, Javan lutung and deer are rarely to be seen. Social Aspect contribute 2.6% toward people prosperity, 0.2% toward local satisfaction, 12.7% toward people participation; (3) Development strategy on sustainable sport tourism using the model of Sport tourism Participation and oriented to tourism characteristic.

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Jak cytować
Pambudi, P., Kusnanik, N., & Nurhasan, N. (2020). Sustainable development of sport tourism in Banyuwangi. Turystyka I Rozwój Regionalny, (13), 117–126.

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