The functioning of the local group of actions “Brama Lubuska” in the opinion of residents of member communes

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Kinga Smolińska

The aim of the article is to present the level of knowledge about the Leader programme and the Local Action Group among the inhabitants of the LAG “Brama Lubuska” area consisting of 14 member communes. The study was carried out by means of a questionnaire survey on a sample of 200 inhabitants of communes comprising the LAG “Brama Lubuska” in 2015 and 2020. Most of the inhabitants have heard about the Leader programme and the Local Action Group. In addition, respondents are positive about the group’s initiative and activities. It is possible to notice an increase in satisfaction with the quality of advice provided at the LAG headquarters. The inhabitants are beginning to notice the undertakings carried out under the Leader initiative in the area of member communes. As the main source of information on the LAG and Leader, the respondents indicate the media, leaflets and information received in commune offices.

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Jak cytować
Smolińska, K. (2021). The functioning of the local group of actions “Brama Lubuska” in the opinion of residents of member communes. Turystyka I Rozwój Regionalny, (15), 105–115.

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