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Effectiveness of a joint-stock company is realized through the skills and ability to take into account the wishes and needs of stakeholders and the organization in full. This work is based on the alignment of performance criteria with the organization’s strategy and capabilities. Management plays a key role in this process. It is they who must understand what the shareholders, customers, employees, lenders, and regulators want from the company, and that each category requires organizations to meet their own needs. At the same time, the performance measurement and management system should be flexible enough to be transparent and able to keep track of processes occurring within the organization and stakeholder engagement. The activity of a joint-stock company includes general elements and special elements that arise from the specifics of the company’s operation. The peculiarities of the activity of the company are due also to industry trends, which are partially derived from specific elements of management. In this regard, when identifying problems of functioning of joint-stock companies of the dairy industry, it is necessary to take into account the specific nature of their activity.
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