Priorities of strategic development of horticulture in Ukraine

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Olena Bohdaniuk

Horticulture of Ukraine is an important branch of agricultural production, which provides the country with food, industry – raw materials, population – workplaces. The level of development of this branch of agricultural production is essential for ensuring food security of the country, increasing its export potential. However, assessing the state of horticulture of Ukraine points to negative trends in the development of the industry. The environment of high competition, the change of strategic partners in the market, the lack of state support require a revision of the existing industry strategy. That is why the main purpose of writing the article is consideration of the basic strategic priorities of horticultural development in Ukraine.

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Jak cytować
Bohdaniuk, O. (2018). Priorities of strategic development of horticulture in Ukraine. Turystyka I Rozwój Regionalny, (10), 13–22.

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