Tourism industry as an instrument of economic development of Ukraine
Main Article Content
The article is dedicated to the main problems of development of tourism industry as an instrument of economic development of Ukraine in the conditions of globalization of economic processes. The current state of tourism development in Ukraine was determined and practical propositions on ensuring of economic development of the country owing to tourism were offered. The competitive advantages and weaknesses of tourism industry in Ukraine were studied. Top priority measures to provide incentives for the successful development of inbound and domestic tourism in Ukraine were proposed. It was ascertained that the priority task was creation a competitive national tourism product on the basis of systematic marketing activity aimed at the exact positioning of different types of tourism products adapted to consumers’ requirements and expectations.
Article Details
Jak cytować
Naherniuk, D., & Rybchak, V. (2017). Tourism industry as an instrument of economic development of Ukraine. Turystyka I Rozwój Regionalny, (8), 65–72.
Burnashov I.: Problems and Prospects for the Development of Tourism in Ukraine, Differential Provision of Management 2005, 12/7, 4782, p. 1–35.
The official website of the World Tourism Organization (electronic resource), (accessed: 21.11.2017).
Official site of the State Statistics Service of Ukraine (electronic resource), (accessed: 21.11.2017).
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