Potential of renewable sources in Ukraine

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Andrii Doronin
Olena Polishchuk
Vitalii Rybchak

Bearing in mind a serious dependence of Ukraine on the import of oil products, it is of great significance for Ukraine to develop own manufacture and to increase the share of oil product substitution with biofuel. It is not possible to develop biofuel market without solving a number of economic and organizational problems, which is why it is expedient to introduce financial-economic stimuli for biofuel producers and to build a stable demand for alternative kinds of fuel. In Ukraine the manufacture of alternative fuels almost terminated, however the solution of the problem of biofuel manufacture will depend on the coordination of joint actions of the state, participants of market relations and the development of the system of measures aimed at the creation of pre-conditions to enhance a competitive biofuel market in Ukraine, taking into consideration foreign experience and current tendencies of the manufacture and use of the alternative energy sources.

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Jak cytować
Doronin, A., Polishchuk, O., & Rybchak, V. (2021). Potential of renewable sources in Ukraine. Turystyka I Rozwój Regionalny, (15), 25–31. https://doi.org/10.22630/TIRR.2021.15.3

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