Rural tourism as a priority area for the development of agro-houses and rural areas of Ukraine

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Piotr Gabryjończyk
Iryna Kudinova
Viktoriia Samsonova

The main purpose of this paper is to identify and present a theoretical perspective onthe possibilities and benefits of rural tourism development in Ukraine. Because of the ongoingRusso-Ukrainian war, this type of tourism has a chance to become a leader in the domestictourism sector and, at the same time, ensure the sustainability of the domestic tourist traffic,with all its socio-economic benefits. The methodological basis of the paper was the systematicapproach to the studies describing Ukrainian rural tourism and its development. It plays .a significant role in the structure of the economy of rural areas, benefiting not only theeconomy but also socio-cultural and ecological development. In the long run there shouldbe a gradual formation of new rural tourism infrastructure, especially in areas such as micro-.-tourism, mini-hotel farming and the construction of hunting and fishing lodges. At the projectlevel, it is necessary to create new models of agro-settlements.

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Jak cytować
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