Solo tourists’ preferences and behaviours

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Jan Zawadka
Karolina Kolibabska

The article aims to present the phenomenon of solo tourism, to discuss theinspiration, motivation, preferences and behaviours of people practising this type of tourism,as well as to indicate the problems they encountered during such trips. 114 people participatedin the survey. What encouraged respondents to participate in solo tourism was (apart fromexploring the world) the opportunity to plan the trip themselves and adapt it to their needsand preferences. The main destination for the respondents were European countries (includingPoland). Most people stayed in hotels and Airbnb and used planes and cars. The main problemswhen travelling solo were the high prices of meals, accommodation and transport, as well asdifficulties in accessing selected places. Opponents of this form of travel had concerns aboutsafety and preferred the offers of travel agencies.

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Jak cytować
Zawadka, J., & Kolibabska, K. (2024). Solo tourists’ preferences and behaviours. Turystyka I Rozwój Regionalny, (21), 135–145.

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